Feedback From Participants in Get Inspired! Workshops for Adult Skaters
1. Did you get inspired by three famous Olympians?
(F.T) Yes!
(L.F) Yes!
(C.C) Yes!
(M.A) Yes, it was a very motivating experience.
(C.S) Yes I did! They are all so kind and beautiful skaters.
2. Which instructor did you like the most, and reasons?
(F.T) I liked all 3 instructions, they were all very nice and helpful.
(L.F) All experts in their areas.
(M.O) They were all super sweet, helpful and amazing! If I had to pick one I would probably say Kiira because I think I spent the most time with her and at the start when my group was in the far corner she was translating and exemplifying everything which was really nice.
(C.C) They all had something to contribute, I liked them all equally.
(M.A) I truly enjoyed them all, Kiira really helped me with a hurdle I've been having on my scratch spin.
(C.S) I really loved the instructors. They were all really helpful and kind.
3. Which exercises did you like the most, or you thought helpful?
(F.T) I liked the group skating and small groups
(L.F) Each instructor keft me w something to practice.
(M.O) I really loved the exercises across the rink we did at the start! A lot of those I'd never tried on the ice and it was nice to just see them do it and then just go for it.
(C.C) All of them were helpful in different ways. Learned a lot.
(M.A) The off-ice session was great, and admittedly not something I do often enough, so it was good to learn how best to approach off ice warm-ups.
4. Which part of the workshop (Off-ice, Group skating, Small groups, Improvisation, Champion's moment) did you enjoy the most?
(F.T) Group skating and small groups
(L.F) All was good from start to finish.
(M.O) I loved the improvisation even though I got a bit lost in the faster tempo and didn't really know what to do.
(C.C) Small groups
(M.A) Small groups
(C.S) I liked the improv portion too because I had never tried that. It could be cool to learn a little bit of choreo in one of the classes too.
5. What was the highlight of the workshop?
(F.T) Learning from the 3 Olympians!
(L.F) Working on getting my jumps back and it was a thrill to land them.
(M.O) I was really touched when Ksenia took two girls to the center at the end when we were going one by one and they seemed to be nervous about going out to the center of the ice alone, I think that Was definitely one of the highlights for me, as well as just being able to learn not only from the coaches but from other participants as well!
(C.C) Getting to skate with all the adults.
(M.A) The time we got with each instructor in small groups.
6. What was the downside of the workshop, or something we need to improve?
(F.T) I did not really enjoy the improvisation and was wondering if we can make the Champion’s moment optional as I do not have that many skills to show at the moment.
(L.F) Name badges would be nice.
(M.O) Honestly I'd love it if it could be longer... It felt like we were just scratching the surface specially when we were going between the different sections.
(C.C) a) Improvisation part was confusing and too short. Would have liked to work in groups to make a short “program”. Or had different improv prompts or activities/exercises instead of just putting on music and skating.
b) Wanted more edge work like an edge class.
c) Smaller groups for off-ice. Feels like I didn't get enough time to warm up but I think because the group was so large in such a small space.
(M.A) I really did not enjoy the champion's moment, but I know it's motivating for other people and makes them feel good. I just really am not comfortable performing on my own and would prefer it to be optional. I really appreciated Ksenia doing it with me! I also think the small groups could've been timed better (or more time spent doing that), but I know that's something that happens with first time clinics. :)
(C.S) I think it would have been more effective if the groups were split up by level. When in the jumps and spins sessions it just happened to be that I was a bit higher level than most of the people so I felt like because of that, I wasn't pushed as hard to work on my elements in a way that's more helpful to my level. For example, it was only me and one other person in the jumps group I was in who had 3+ jumps and everyone else hadn't jumped before so it would have been more helpful if I could work on my jumps vs the basics of getting started with jumping. I liked the idea of us moving around with each coach and people having the option to stay with one the whole time though so I'm not really sure if it's possible to maintain that AND have people split up a little better by level. But I did think it was nice to see what higher level people are working on too to give everyone something to aspire to.
7. Any comments for workshop day, duration, and price?
(F.T) More frequent workshops!
(L.F) I might cut the off-ice a bit and lower price to $110 ONLY IF you 4 are still properly compensated for your time!!
(M.O) The day and time was perfect because specifically being for adult skaters because most of us work or study during the week so it was great that the workshop was on the weekend! The price was also really great! And I think the duration was good but like I said in the previous point it would be nice to have a bit more time in each section.
(M.A) All of this worked well for me!
(C.S) I think it was nice and I liked that it wasn't early in the morning or in the middle of a week day.
8. Would you like to participate again for our workshops in the future?
(F.T) Yes!
(L.F) Yes!
(M.O) Yes! Definitely! Can't wait to sign up for the next one!
(C.C) Yes!
(M.A) Absolutely! I hope I will be around for the December one (may be out of town for holidays), but if I miss it, I will do the next one!
(C.S) Yes!